===== Figure/Ground Ambiguity ===== **Figure/ground ambiguity** exists when it is impossible to determine what would be considered figure and what would be considered ground. Common causes of figure/ground ambiguity are blurriness (gradients, camera blur, depth of field, smudging, etc.) or an immense quantity and complexity of figures. When it becomes difficult or impossible to determine when a figure stops and the ground begins, figure/ground ambiguity occurs. Note: this is distinctly different that [[figure-ground_reversal|figure/ground reversal]]. {{:3e48d.jpg?nolink}} \\ Areas of figure/ground ambiguity... figures become indeterminate \\ \\ \\ {{:d2a07.jpg?nolink}} \\ Almost entirely figure/ground ambiguous \\ (figure can be determined along the bottom edge of the image) \\ \\ \\ {{:cb1af.jpg?nolink}}\\ Jackson Pollock. //Lavender Mist: Number 1//. 1950.