===== Atmospheric Perspective ===== **Atmospheric perspective** is a visual phenomenon in which the density of the atmosphere progressively increases through space, creating a 'haze.' Shapes become more ambiguous, colors become less saturated, and overall brightness can increase or decrease depending on the time of day. {{:70361.jpg?nolink|}}\\ \\ {{:456b7.jpg?nolink|}} Benedito Calixto. //Proclamação da República//. 1893. //(public domain)// \\ \\ {{:33431.jpg?nolink|}} Böhringer Friedrich. //Fog. View from Oberfallenberg, Dornbirn district, towards the Mountains of Switzerland.// 2006.\\ (Böhringer Friedrich / [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/deed.en|CC-BY-SA-2.5]])